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Multyexcuse è un generatore ironico di scuse pensato per alleggerire lo stress da lavoro. Si presenta come un farmaco con allegato il suo bugiardino per un uso corretto.

Multyexcuse è un modo per far conoscere i materiali ecologici con cui lavoriamo: alluminio, MDF riciclato, abete FSC o PEFC, Valchromat, SWISSCDF. Tutti materiali che adottiamo per allestimenti e interior design.

The strip of beach is accessed only by boat. Regular tours to the beach depart from Porto Vromi to the south, and from Agios Nikolaos and Cape Skinari to the north-east. Boats also arrive from the harbour of Zakynthos city.

Magnificent Paris

Our all time favorite city.

Paris can be seen as the most interesting city of Europe and probably even as one of the most amazing city’s worldwide. People from all over the world travel to Paris to discover and experience this fairy-like city.

Paris is the city of love, inspiration, art and fashion. The night scene, the Eiffel tower and the warm atmosphere will make you feel directly at home. Paris has a lot of interesting architecture and museums to offer, and is also a Walhalla for shopaholics.